Management Committees

Assets and Liabilities Committee

The Assets and Liabilities Committee (ALCO) analyses financial information to assess the impact that the various types of risks arising from changes in interest rates, exchange rates, and the market have on the profitability of the Bank.

The Assets and Liabilities Committee (ALCO) meets on a monthly basis to analyse financial information and to assess the impact that the various types of risks arising from changes in interest rates, exchange rates and the market, have on the profitability of the Bank and the various other components of the financial statements. 

This Committee also monitors the commercial activity of the Bank, reviews risks to liquidity and capital, and plays a vital role in the management and mitigation of the same risks.

The ALCO is made up of the Members of the Executive Committee, the Head of the Treasury Function, the Head of the Business Development Function, the Head of the Retail Function, Head of Corporate Function, the Head of Financial Management Function and the Head of Risk Control and Oversight Function. Other Bank officials may be invited to attend meetings depending on the agenda to be discussed or when determined by the Committee.

Key members: