
Amazing response towards the President’s Charity Fun Run

December 10, 2010
June 20, 2023
Amazing response towards the President’s Charity Fun Run

“Amazing!”, was the first comment of the Banif Bank (Malta) p.l.c CEO, Mr. Joaquim F. Silva Pinto, as soon as he crossed the finishing line of the President’s Charity Fun Run, in St. George’s Square Valletta.

“It is difficult to imagine the power of solidarity and how it can bring together around 7,000 persons of all ages, social classes and opinions in an event aimed to promote a healthier lifestyle and to provide financial support to people in need”, continued Mr. Silva Pinto.

The Banif Bank CEO continued by saying that, “when the idea came up two years ago, we knew we could count on everybody to make it a success. But the response we received so far made us realise that we underestimated some of the most beautiful qualities and values of the Maltese people”.

“As CEO of Banif Bank Malta, I feel proud of the decision taken by the Bank to support this new event. It is very difficult to improve on what has been done so far, but we accept the challenge. See you all next year! We hope that those who participated already will join us again next year and that other new participants will join us to make it an even better and bigger event”, concluded Mr. Silva Pinto.

Mr. Joaquim F. Silva Pinto also took the opportunity to express the best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to everyone on behalf of the Board of Directors and all the employees of Banif Bank (Malta) p.l.c.